Candidate Information

Candidate Information

The Province has passed the Municipal Affairs Statutes Amendment Act, 2024 which makes changes to two pieces of municipal-related legislation: the Local Authorities Election Act (LAEA) and the Municipal Government Act (MGA) which came into force on October 31, 2024.

Are you Considering being a candidate in the 2025 Town of Barrhead Election?

Thank you for taking the time to learn about this exciting opportunity to run for Town Council, where members play an integral part in working to support the diverse needs of our community and shape its future. Learn more about key information for candidates in the upcoming election and the next steps you will need to take as you move forward with your candidacy.

In accordance with the Local Authorities Act (LAEA), citizens who are considering running in the next Municipal Election are accountable for ensuring their own eligibility.  Please refer to the LAEA to determine your eligibility as a candidate.

Candidate Information Package

The 2025 Candidate Information Package is a resource that will provide you with general candidate information, contacts, details on the roles of members of Council, nomination information, and more. You can download the package here, or pick one up at our the Town Office located at 5014 50 Ave, Barrhead.

2025 Candidate Information Package (updated February 3, 2025 at 11:19 am)

Alberta Municipalities has created a guide to inform candidates interested in running for municipal office.  

Important Dates

 Campaign PeriodOctober 31, 2024 to December 31, 2025
 Nomination Period
January 2, 2025 to 12:00 pm, September 22, 2025 
 Nomination DaySeptember 22, 2025
 Advance Voting DaysTBD
 Election Day October 20, 2025

Please check back regularly as information on this page is subject to change and/or additional information may be posted. This information is provided as a courtesy to candidates and the Town of Barrhead is in no way responsible for errors or omissions. Please consult the Local Authorities Election Act as a comprehensive guide to the election and the changes within. It is the responsibility of the candidate to read and understand the legislation and bylaw(s) concerning this election.

Information on this page, including drop-downs, last updated 11:19 am, February 3, 2025.


If you intend to run as a candidate in the Town of Barrhead, you must submit a written Notice of Intent to the Returning Officer.

Once a Notice of Intent form is accepted as complete by the Returning Officer, you are allowed to be a candidate, accept contributions, or incur campaign expenses according to the rules set out in the Local Authorities Election Act (LAEA) and the Expense Limits Regulation.

After January 1, 2025, candidates can submit their nomination forms and notice of intent at the same time.

Form: Notice of Intent

How to submit your Notice of Intent

Submit your completed Notice of Intent form to the Returning Officer at 5014-50 Avenue, Barrhead.  This form must be signed in front of the Returning Officer, Commissioner For Oaths or Notary Public.  Once accepted by the Returning Officer, the name of the candidate will be included on the Register of Candidates and posted publicly in accordance with the Local Authorities Election ActOnce a notice of intent has been accepted by the Returning Officer, the individual is allowed to accept contributions and/or incur campaign expenses according to the rules set out in the Local Authorities Election Act and the Expense Limits Regulation.

Campaign Disclosure Statements

  • 2024 Campaign Disclosure Statement: If you have accepted contributions or incurred expenses in 2024 you must file the required campaign disclosure forms by March 1, 2025.
  • 2025 Campaign Disclosure Statement: If you have accepted contributions or incurred expenses in 2025, you must file the required campaign disclosure forms by March 1, 2026.

Please refer to the Local Authorities Election Act and visit the Municipal Affairs website for additional information.

Before completing your Notice of Intent or Nomination Papers, please confirm eligibility.
To be eligible to be nominated as a candidate, an individual must:
Please note that there are ways in which a person may be ineligible to run a as a candidate.  For a complete listing of ineligibility, please consult Section 22 the Local Authorities Election Act

Nomination Categories

You can become a candidate for one of the following:

  • Mayor
  • Councillor

Nomination Forms

Before submitting your nomination, please confirm your eligibility in the associated drop-down above.

Candidates for Mayor and Council: to be nominated as a candidate, you must submit the following:

Please note: Additional forms will become available as the election progresses. Please check this page frequently.

For a list of all election forms for the municipal election, visit the Government of Alberta website.

Nominations for Council are open from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm weekdays January 2, 2025 to 12:00 pm, September 22, 2025

All nominations must be submitted with original forms to the Returning Officer, in person at 5014 50 Ave, Barrhead.

Submitting your nomination

You may file your nomination forms starting January 2, 2025 up until the close of nominations on September 22, 2025 by 12 noon (Nomination Day). The nomination forms must be signed by the candidate and witnessed by a Commissioner for Oaths in Alberta. Original signatures are required, no photocopies, facsimiles or emailed forms will be accepted.

We encourage you to book an appointment before arriving to file. You can file your completed nomination forms by in person appointment, or drop off.

There are two ways to file your nomination:

By appointment: You can schedule an appointment with Jennifer Mantay, Returning Officer, by email

Drop off: Please drop off your nomination at 5014 50 Ave.

All submissions must be made in person. We will not accept mailed or emailed submissions.

Jennifer Mantay, Returning Officer
Town of Barrhead
5014 - 50 Ave, Barrhead, AB

As per section 32 of the LAEA, a candidate may withdraw their nomination at any time during the nomination period. At any time within 24 hours after the close of the nomination period, if more than the required number of candidates for any particular office are nominated, a candidate my withdraw by filling with the Returning Officer a withdrawal in writing.

To withdraw your nomination, you must submit a written statement to the Returning Officer. Withdrawals will not be accepted if you have been declared elected by acclamation. Withdrawal notices are final. If you withdraw, then change your mind, you must submit a new nomination.

A written withdrawal statement can be submitted in one of the following ways: 

  1. Email:
  2. Mail or In Person: 
    • Jennifer Mantay, Returning Officer
      Town of Barrhead
      Box 4189, 5014 50 Ave
      Barrhead, AB T7N 1A2
In this section you will find some commonly asked questions made by people like you, interested in running for municipal office.  The answers to these questions were developed through a partnership between Alberta Municipal Affairs, the Alberta Urban Municipalities Association (AUMA), and the Rural Municipalities of Alberta (RMA).
AUMA also has a web page dedicated to Women in Municipal Government with information and resources.
The following has been extracted from the AUMA website

What is it like to be a municipal elected official?

In the following videos, AUMA and RMA Board members discuss what it is like to be a municipal elected official.


How do I run for municipal office?

Running for municipal office may seem intimidating, but Municipal Affairs has prepared a number of resources to help potential candidates understand the process.
The 2025 Candidate Guide provides a detailed overview of what to consider prior to seeking nominations as a candidate, the nomination process, campaign financing and how to campaign. 
For additional general information on municipal elections and election processes, we encourage you to review the extensive suite of resources developed to support municipalities and Returning Officers in conducting their respective municipal elections here.
For specific questions related to the Town of Barrhead's nomination, campaigning and election process, scroll to the top of this page.

What to expect when I'm elected?

AUMA and RMA's Elected Officials Education program provides an orientation course, Munis 101:  The Essentials of Municipal Governance following the municipal elections in November.  Visit to learn more.

The Government of Alberta has created a four-part video series for 2025 Municipal election prospective candidates. In this series you will learn:

  • What you need to know about municipalities and local governance
  • What different roles exist in a municipality
  • What you can expect and what will be expected of you as a member of council, and
  • Information about running for elected office
AUMA holds their conventions in November, providing additional learning and networking opportunities for elected officials and municipal administrators alike.
Municipal Affairs' website also includes useful information for elected officials:
Recognizing that economic development  is on the minds of many candidates, Alberta Jobs, Economy and Innovation has developed a video on Economic Development for Elected Officials.  The 15 minute video explains what economic development is, what drives it, the role of elected officials, where to begin, and tips for success.  In addition, the video highlights further support and information available from the Ministry's Regional Economic Development Services and Economic Developers Alberta.

Where can I find more information?

If you still have questions contact Municipal Affairs at 780-427-2225 (Dialing 310-0000 before their phone number for toll free service).  Or, email

Women in Municipal Government

Visit AUMA's Women in Municipal Governance Hub for more information and resources to help encourage you to run for municipal office.