October 20 - Election Day
Who is Eligible to Vote?
Local Authorities Election Act, Section 47
to be eligible to vote, an elector must be:
- 18 years old;
- A Canadian Citizen;
- A resident in Alberta; and,
- The elector's place of residence must be located in the local jurisdiction on election day (Section 47 of the Local Authorities Election Act)
Voter Identification
All voters will be required to provide identification prior to obtaining a ballot. Below is a link to acceptable forms of identification.
Rules of Residence
Local Authorities Election Act, Section 48
A person’s place of residence for this Act is governed by the following rules:
- a person may be a resident of only one place at a time for the purposes of voting under this Act;
- if a person has more than one residence in Alberta, that person shall designate one place of residence as the person's place of residence for the purposes of this Act1;
- the residence of a person is the place where the person lives and sleeps and to which, when the person is absent, the person intends to return;
- a person does not lose the person's residence by leaving the person's home for a temporary purpose;
- if a person leaves the area with the intention of making the person's residence elsewhere, the person loses the person's residence within the area.
- A student who:
- attends an educational institution within or outside Alberta;
- temporarily rents accommodation for the purpose of attending an educational institution; and
- has family members who are resident in Alberta and with whom the student ordinarily resides when not attending an educational institution,
is deemed to reside with those family members.
1A person shall designate the person's place of residence in accordance with the following factors in the following order of priority:
- the address shown on the person’s driver's license or motor vehicle operator’s license issued by or on behalf of the Government of Alberta or an identification card issued by or on behalf of the Government of Alberta;
- the address to which the person’s income tax correspondence is addressed and delivered; or
- the address to which the person’s mail is addressed and delivered.
Advance Vote
All electors are eligible to vote at the advance voting opportunity. More information about Advanced vote will be made available at a later date.
Unable to attend in person? Special Ballots will be made available for the 2025 Municipal Election. More information will be made available at a later date.
Institutional Vote
Local Authorities Election Act, Sections 80, 81, 82
Provisions are being made for institutional voting. Please check back for updates on when and where these will be held.
Interpreter and/or Elector Who is unable to Vote in the usual manner
If an elector does not understand the English language, an interpreter may translate the "Instructions for Electors" as well as respond to questions from the elector that are necessary for the purposes of the election. Before acting as an interpreter, it is required that the person make a statement on the prescribed form; this is the Statement of Interpreter, Elector Who is Unable to Vote in the Usual Manner, Friend or Relative of Elector Who is Unable to Vote in the Usual Manner (Form 17).
If an elector is unable to vote in the usual manner, they may request assistance. This assistance may be provided by a Deputy Returning Officer, a friend, or a relative. The elector must verbally make the prescribed statement which is the Statement of Interpreter, Elector Who is Unable to Vote in the Usual Manner, Friend or Relative of Elector Who is Unable to Vote in the Usual Manner (Form 17). The friend or relative of the elector is also required to make the Statement of Interpreter, Elector Who is Unable to Vote in the Usual Manner, Friend or Relative of Elector Who is Unable to Vote in the Usual Manner (Form 17).
Important Principles of Voting
Local Authorities Election Act, Section 55, 56, 57
Voting is by secret ballot.
Except as permitted in the case of an incapacitated elector, no other person shall be in the voting compartment with the elector.
Except as permitted in the case of an incapacitated elector, no person shall be in a position where he/she is able to see how the elector marks the ballot.
It is an offence for an elector to show his ballot so another person can see how he/she voted, except as permitted in the case of an incapacitated elector.
No person shall be required to reveal how he/she has voted.
An elector may not vote for more than the number of persons to be elected to an office.
If applicable, an elector may vote once on each bylaw or question.
An elector may vote only once in an election.